For those of you who coupon, this magazine is loaded with coupons. The only store to buy it at is WalMart and I don't like to go there. Besides, it's $2.24 an issue plus tax to buy it in the store. Austin's school is doing a fundraiser. You can order the magazine at a very good price! You can choose between 15 issues for $15 or 30 issues for $25. That comes out to $1 or $0.83 an issue! What is even nicer about ordering it is you get it at least a week before it hits newsstands! To make sure Austin gets credit for it follow these directions:
1. Go to Ga Fundraising
2. In the box on the left of the page type in this code (or copy and paste it ) 227GFDW
3. Click on the yellow arrow that says "Let's Go Shopping"
4. In the green search box type All You the click on Go.
5. Click on the green "more info" tab to see the magazine and price options.
6. Add it to your cart and you are ready to check out!
Thanks and I hope this helps everyone to add to their coupons!!
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