How To Order Coupons

As most anyone who lives in our area knows, we do NOT get coupons that are either:

A: Worth a darn,
B: Even IN the paper!

I have created a solution to the problem! I order coupons and distribute them to YOU at the same cost as buying 2 local papers and cheaper than buying 2 out of town papers! No more waiting for family to send them to you from out of town or paying outrageous shipping charges. Since we order them all together we are able to pay less in shipping and get great coupons at higher values!

Here is how it works:

  1. Every month I set a price for the "coupon weeks" that are included in that month. I get my list from Sunday Coupon Preview. You can click this link to view it as well.
  2. The price of each "coupon week" is $3. This will get you 2 of each insert included in the week, regardless of the number of inserts. Some weeks there is only 1 insert, other weeks there are 4 or even 5 inserts.
  3. You pay for the month of coupons prior to the first Sunday of that month.
  4. Payment is accepted through Pay Pal via the Buy link on the upper left corner of my page. Please note, these prices are ONLY for the people who live locally here (Dothan, AL) and can arrange to pick up their coupons from me. If you need them mailed to you please contact me at to arrange for shipping and receive and invoice for such.
  5. Coupons are usually available on Wednesday evening, depending on the mail delivery time. There are times that there is a delay in the shipping. This is either due to the order time or the USPS. Please keep in mind that I do work outside of the home. I will do my absolute best to get them to you ASAP.
  6. If for any reason there are inserts released on a week that was not "scheduled" to be a "coupon week," that week will be an additional $3 and you will have to contact me in order to be included in the order prior to that Monday morning. I know this is confusing, but I do not want to charge you for a week of coupons that you do not get. It is also not fair for me to pay for coupons for a week that was not an anticipated week. I will do my best to let you know ASAP if there are going to be inserts on a non-scheduled "coupon week."
If you have ANY questions at all, please feel free to contact me at prior to placing an order.

Thanks again! I appreciate everyone working with me as I try to help everyone save money!
