Monday, December 6, 2010

FREE Excedrin!

Excedrin PM®

Excedrin is offering coupons for a FREE Excedrin Extra Strength Product (up to $5.99 value) AND a FREE Migraine Product (up to $5.99 value).

Awesome coupons!!! I am sure these will be VERY valuable in the near future at the drug stores!

Happy Shopping!


  1. Rats - I must be totally inept at this.... I can *not* locate this coupon on their site!! Grrrrr

  2. It's not you Debbie! The promotion is over. They only had so many coupons available for print. If it makes you feel any better, I didn't even get it! The computer I was on wasn't hooked to a printer and I forgot to go back and print them!! I hate that I missed it! I am sorry that you did as well. Maybe next time!
